
As we reach the mid-point of the month where we have experienced light frosts, torrential rain and heat to 18ºC, the spectrum of green around the garden has begun to be broken up by the promise of colour from earlier planning and planting.

The sunny border planned last spring has exploded with a plethora of greens which is a delicious sight.  I am very pleased with it.  The heady scent of honey from the Euphorbia is intoxicating to both me and the insects that pollinate it.

A month of firsts too, our Wisteria has flowered for the first time and a previous disastrous purchase (from an online store that shall never be mentioned) is in bloom too.  Although its the wrong colour to the one ordered (and the wrong size), it works rather well in its sheltered position next to the Arum italicum that we adopted from a neighbour.

It's not all good news though, I have managed to kill our Acer palmatum that I repotted recently.  It had begun to get dieback anyway.  Unfortunately it and the growing medium will need to go in the green-bin to be taken away by the local authority :/  

The shady borders are coming to life.  This combination of Geum 'Totally Tangerine' and Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae  work together in perfect synergy and pop right out from the dark charcoal fence panels.  I may try and add some hints of purple and/or white here at some point. 

The bench idea from the RHS Garden magazine has sprung into life, the mix of ferns, heucheras and brunnera shining out of the shade beneath.  We have blue-tits residents too.  The hostas are beginning to flourish one of my favourites 'Sum & Substance' pictured below.  

We have not rested on our laurels; painting and erecting a white picket-fence behind the native hedge to split the garden and kiddy-proof the wildlife pond area below, there is still a bit to do but we will wait until the nesting period is over before we continue.

Garden looks gorgeous after a little hair-cut, we are lucky to have such beautiful trees in the backdrop which frame the space.  

In other news, the fern-spores have evolved into Gametophytes.  I am now patiently waiting for fertilisation to occur. 


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