
Unfortunately I sustained an injury during a charity event a few weeks ago and have not been able to do much outside due to immobility.

However, some torrential rain and windy weather has reminded me that creating a garden isn't all glamour.  There is a lot of work involved in all weather conditions to achieve that perfect cottage/woodland garden look.

It's now May but we have had so much rainfall, all night and day for several consecutive days.  The Pond was almost overflowing and we had to use a bucket to remove some of the water, being careful not to disturb any of the tadpoles!

Some of our plants have collapsed due to the constant downpour.  These specifically being the Euphorbia x martini Ascot Rainbow, the Delphiniums, the Oxeye Daisy and the Dame's violet - basically all the plants taller then 50cm.    

Commercial plant supports are really expensive so I have improvised with string and bamboo for the time being.

If anyone has any suggestions to improve this support or has any longer-term ideas that they use please let us know.


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